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Dr. Patrick Pizzo- Articles Published Which are Related to Equity

Pizzo, P. (2023, June). The essence of equity: School business leaders must understand and apply the true intent of equity. School Business Affairs, ASBO International, 89(6)33-34.

Pizzo, P. (2023, May 5).  Opinions: Seeking leadership, and equity, for a better tomorrow. Long Island Herald (all editions), Retrieved from East Meadow Edition, p.23:,175846?

Pizzo, P. (2023, March 30). Opinions: Valuing our women leaders doesn't begin and end in March. Long Island Herald (all editions), Retrieved from East Meadow Edition, p. 32:,171338

Pizzo, P. (2023, Winter Edition). The challenges of the ethical path to leadership. The Reporter, Association of School Business Officials of New York, 70(3)44-45.

Pizzo, P. (2022, December). The keepers of our schools: No effort is more noble and worthy of our gratitude. School Business Affairs, ASBO International, 88(11), 23-24.

Pizzo, P. (2022, September). Opinions: A superintendency that was just about to soar. East Meadow Herald, p.23.,144335?

Pizzo, P. (2022, March). The best for our kids requires staff diversity. School Administrator, The School Superintendents Association, 3(79), 12-13.

Pizzo, P. (2022, January). Diversity and inclusion: A better tomorrow for our children. School Business Affairs, ASBO International, 88(1), 32-33.

Pizzo, M. & Pizzo, P. (2021, May). Students participate in virtual career expo. East Meadow Herald, p. 25.

Pizzo, P. (2021, February). A tribute to Reverend Dr. Purvis. East Meadow Herald, p. 12.,130385


Newsday: FACES of Long Island

Newsday: LI Life


Committee Member, Kari-Lee Grant, PhD
Author of Dissertation Fi Done: Reading, Riting, Rhythmitic, a guide tailored for doctoral candidates and those curious about the dissertation process.

(The Jamaican word "Fi" is pronounced like the beginning of "finish.")

Get the ebook and paperback version on Amazon:


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Embark on Dr. Georgia Ricketts's transformative journey through the challenges of her Educational Leadership doctoral dissertation in this captivating guide tailored for doctoral candidates and those curious about the dissertation process. Amidst isolation and confusion, Georgia encounters Doc Genie, a cultural guide from her native Jamaica, in her dreams.

Through metaphorical adventures, Doc Genie imparts invaluable wisdom, weaving snippets influenced by the author's personal stories, shared experiences of doctoral candidates, and a touch of genie magic for a unique twist. Each chapter, complemented by a Genie Guide, offers insights and strategies tailored to challenges specific to that dissertation stage. Scholars are invited to read and ponder, embrace the rite of passage, and dance to the beat of their own educational rhythm.

This book is more than a guide; it's a journey of overcoming obstacles, reaching academic pinnacles, and inspiring others on their doctoral dissertation quests. Join Georgia on this empowering expedition into the heart of dissertation completion—a tapestry of universal truths, enriched with humor, insightful commentary, and inspiration.

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